Saturday, August 24, 2013

Quick pop in..

Hey everyone! 
Sorry I haven't been posting as much as I thought I'd be!  I haven't forgotten about you guys!!
I've been soooo busy.  Emailing back and forth with several people about something, then my horse decided to go totally bonkers and I've been working a LOT with her to try to get her straightened out again...and THEN my cell phone's camera decided to start being flaky on me and not always want to take pictures --only to realize the actual camera guessed it.  Dead and in need of charging.  SO.  I'm hoping to be able to sit down this afternoon or evening and at least get my "Art of Brave" review up...or mayb even work on a little photoshoot that I get the feeling I promised you guys at the BEGINNING of this month...if my cell phone decides to actually work, because I haven't gotten around to charging the camera yet...whoops. 
Anyywayyyy...and next week doesn't seem like it's going to be any better! Mostly cleaning and working horses though, IF my saddles sell today and I don't have to talk to anyone else about them :D 
So yeah....anyway...hope to talk to you soon and have something up besides my excuses for not having anything posted!  So sorry guys...! 

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